Downward Dog

Strava Day 231/75 Hard Phase 2 Day 19/Quarantine Day 3. Three liters, outdoor workout, reading and progress photo done. Second workout after this.
T has been feeling glum but am doing the best I could to be present for him, my Ma and myself. B sent photos of Gramps in a hospital bed and T said it makes him sad. Told him it makes me sad too but we have to trust the doctors to do their job and we just need to make sure we take care of our health (eat on time, make time for rest and movement, get some sun and focus on the present). Told him there are just some things beyond our control and that even though we are struggling, we could get through it just like the other times.
Sharing snippets of what T said:

*Am grateful that I don't have nausea anymore, am grateful for ants, for Big Bang Theory and for Chew.

*A: It's so cold!
T: You lost your resistance to the cold.

*T talked about Carpenter Ants, Asian Weaver Ant, Texan Leafcutter Ant and the Tropical Fire Ant while I was washing dishes. Could not absorb all the information so had him draw and write their scientific names on my Become Journal.

*Featured photo is a self timed shot that T approves. Asked him which photo should I blip: The one with Chew (our dog) or the one with him. He replied in his soft voice: The one where I spent time with you.

Hope you're having an okay day/night. Thank you for passing by.

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