"That'll LARN Ye!

Keep out of my Glass!! Then you'd not get stuck.
It's now "Yesterday" I can tell the Woeful tale. This is the only survivor of the shots taken.

It befell thusly:-
One of my SD Cards decided to die, so I thought I'd replace it; seen yesterday.  I took about a1/2 Doz. assorted around God's little Acre, stuck the Card in the Slot and Hell froze over.  My "Finder" decided to alternate twixt total strike ad total not-there-visible.  Galloping senility set in at this point - I hadn't sense to repeat the shots with a different Card BIG BUT - it was too dark by now to consider it.  For reasons I can't explain I decided to shoot a Midge. Maybe because the wee blighter decided to weld itself onto the π napple juice on the side.
One of our "Midges" that is.  Growing up we never experienced the dreaded No-Seeums" and referred to a Musca Domestica as a Midge.  
This wee miscreant was bigger than any Drosophila I've seen, but less than the aforementioned "Midge".  In retrospect I may have used the Phone since I couldn't manage a Macro with the Camera (Still learning)
SO - it's now "today" = Monday and I can bore you with the details mentioned  I phoned "Help" who did a magnificent job by first assisting me with a stuck update = MY fault, (Senile delinquency again. Well! That's MY excuse.) it'll not happen again.
She then got accidentally disconnected - Obrigado thus far. (She was Portuguese and I collect international "Thankyous", like Abaraka Baake and "ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು" which apparently is "Dhan'yavādagaḷu" and means thanks in Kanada.
The next lady just helped me confirm that the fault seems to be in the Card and NOT the computer - ALL other Cards perform correctly and "Finder" only misbehaves with the offender in situ.

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