New reality day 538

There's snow only on the ground, none on the trees which makes it very dark again even with full moon.

There might be a possibility for Aurora Borealis tonight. We'll see. If that happens my picture will be replaced :-)

BTW, the Finnish word for aurora borealis is revontulet which is very different compared to most languages Northern lights. Revontulet means "fox's fires".

"In Finnish folklore, the fire fox is a mythical animal that was the target of every hunter's secret wishes. Getting one meant some sort of fulfillment of a life purpose; The killer of the fire fox would become rich and famous.

According to folklore, fox hair causes an unheated light phenomenon when it touches an object. The notion is not entirely untrue, because furs, as accumulators of static electricity, tend to touch them in dry air. Based on this information, an attempt was made to explain the northern lights roaring in the sky as caused by fireflies running in Lapland when the sides of a fox hit trees or the tail touched a snow project. A similar explanation for the northern lights is known from the Canadian Indians, where the sparks of fire fox are matched by scars emanating from the fur of an elk Caribu."

Quite interesting.

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