Artist's Cat

This is Mehitabel, Duma's sister. I was planning to blip her straight so you could see how pretty she is. But... well, I just got goofing around and really liked this one. So here it is. Processed via Nik Viveza plug in, Nik Color Effex Pro Weird Lines, Photoshop Poster edges, and Cutout. Made her into an art piece. Press "L" for the large view.

I am in a subdued and not too happy mood today. Had real trouble sleeping last night. Don't want to go into the details as my posts go to Facebook and I am feeling a bit private. But both Arvin and I are a bit edgy and sad today. (It isn't about us. We are fine and healthy as far as we know.)

And one of us dropped a metal martini olive pick into the disposal yesterday and didn't realize it until the thing was well and truly bollixed. Sigh. We were planning to go to the opening of the Farmer's Market today but now we are waiting for our handy angel Ric to come to fix the mess we got ourselves into. Doesn't help our mood any. Sigh.

Will that make us stop having martinis? Not a chance. ;-)

Ric came over and we all agreed it was time to replace the disposal. We bought the new one and Ric will be over to install it soon. The old one was 23 years old so not too bad that we had to get a new one. And we are feeling a bit better. Thanks to all who commented and sent hugs.

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