Gorgeous Trixie the Collie

An early start to the day, but Sue and I arrived in St Ives at 10.45 to meet up with Trixie and her lovely owner Ann. After a welcome coffee., we headed out to explore. all the years I have done deliveries down into Cornwall I have never been to St Ives. 

Our first part of our walk took us down on to Porthmeor Beach. Trixie has amazing energy, chasing along the beach after her ball. From there we wandered around into the harbour area, before heading up through shopping area, back to Porthmeor beach where Sue and I waited for Ann to return with her car to transport us old folk back up the hill. ;-))

We had a lovely lunch, thank you Ann, for your hospitality. Sat chatting for a while before heading back to Barnstaple. Altogether a super day :-)

I will catch up with you all as soon as possible, please bear with me :-)

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