Busy day.

I kept Lincoln at home today as he had had a temperature last night. He's been absolutely fine today but I'm always careful not to spread any germs around. I did give him a covid test just to check. Negative. 

Nana and grandad came round to fix my curtain rail for me when the Jedi was napping. They managed half of it before wreck it Ralph got into everything and kept trying to climb the ladder with his grandad. I did offer grandad help but he is very independent. I couldn't help nana with the curtains as I cannot see for toffee and she never wants help anyway. 

Harp did her usual breakfast thing and ate with a tea towel on her head. They both wanted a hot chocolate so linc was delighted to get cream on his. p.s it's a mini cup the angle makes it look big

The three bigger ones are tired and are being a little snippy with eachother. Roll on bedtime. Harp was a monkey last night and climbed in with us around 12. I was too tired to care. She sleeps at my feet as she doesn't want cuddles. Hopefully tonight she's in her bed longer. 

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