South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

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or maybe I will say something!  I’m sure everyone has their own views about this.  Mine are that:
1.  There were over 100,000 new cases today.
2.  There were 359 deaths today.

So…how can this be considered to be a suitable time to get rid of Plan B? I certainly don’t think it is.  Just wanting something to be over, doesn’t mean it is over.

Sorry to comment mainly on this, but it has become the principal thing today as far as I am concerned.  Have done a few bits of other things, and had a nice phone call from a friend from church.  She and her husband are venturing back there on Sunday, but I don’t think we will just yet…she said her daughter got Covid after having her booster and was in bed for a week - and this is a young person!  Not encouraging as far as I’m concerned….

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