Nick of Time

AW shouted from below -- 'Look out your window!'  So I did.  Grabbed the camera and got it in the nick of time.

We'd gone for a short walk earlier.  Only short as AW overstretched his back again.  An all too familiar occurence.  As it turned out, I'd forgotten the battery of the camera, which I'd put on the charger in the morning (or was it last night?).  Sour-grapes sounding, but I did not mind having left it behind as it was just too grey.  Which is why I felt so lucky with this shot.

Housework... gaming... writing... and AW played Wednesday evening bridge online with Marie.  They make a good team.  It's just that Marie is not a member of any of the local bridge clubs because she doesn't live here.  In fact, she's no longer a member of any club, but online bridge is for one and all.  AW's regular Wednesday partner is on a skiing holiday in the alpine regions of Austria with the whole family.

Chapter 2 going well.  Main protagonist is wondering what to do next, but options a-plenty.

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