Johnny's Hideaway

The other academy.  This is where Johnny is boss.  We had our interview this afternoon.  It went very well.  Realistically, though, fabulous interviews are never a guarantee of anything.  I'll get an email tomorrow, if I heard it right.  I hope they got a good idea of what kind of a person I am.  I certainly got a good idea of what kind of a school it is.

Before the interviews, I had exam perusal sessions with some students who failed (who else) as well as a meeting with the English group.  There will be more such meetings till Guilford Guy's leave.  I welcome them and will attend them all.  The more I know what I have to do, the better.

Correction work the rest of the day, right past AW's bedtime, all the way till the hearing in MNL began, at 01.30.  Of course, I was very awake.  It went as the Viking had planned.  This does not mean that I won or that we made a lot of progress, but the procedings confirmed the correctness of our strategy.  The deepest patience is needed.  One thing that I learned today -- I mean tonight -- is that if ever I will need to take the witness stand, I will need to inform the Embassy in The Hague because the law requires that I be physically present in the embassy, even if this will mean that somebody at the embassy has to open the door at one o'clock in the morning to let me in and wait there with me until I'm done.  I asked the Viking what the chances are of this happening.  He replied 'not for a long while yet', and he's not even sure it will get that far.

What the Honourable Court could not see was that while I was listening attentively to the procedings, my Excel marking sheet was open and I was actually reading my students' essays.

It's really late and I think I'll call it a day and night.

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