Dinner With Herr Doktor.

HJB has been mentioned several times in this diary. He lives on his own, in one of the finest homes we designed in the thirty years or so of our practice.

Pat had arranged a "meals-on-wheels" visit and we headed off to Stirling using the pretty route.

Driving through Dollar there was suddenly a very loud bang. So much, I thought I had hit something big. I knew I had not collided with anything and parked at the road side.

The bang was caused by a Foreign Body about the size of my index finger nail striking the passenger wing mirror. The mirror is fully functional. The only damage is a rectangular shaped hole in the casing. It looks as though it had been fired at us, although how and from where is a complete mystery.

Pat had made a very fine repast which we enjoyed, along with great conversation.

Of course, Christmas Gifts were exchanged. HJ is an expert at buying gifts, sometimes years ahead. This year’s present is pictured above.

4 Volumes of erudite advice, copiously illustrated and published in 1925.

Afterwards we drove back home by the fastest route only to be diverted because of a road accident blocking the East bound carriageway to Dundee at St Maddoes. 

The warning sign was slightly misleading as it referred to the North bound carriageway and misspelled the place name.

Luckily it did specify the road number.

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