Wall to wall sunshine in St Ives

Soooooooooo.................... we've been in St Ives for almost three weeks and are heading back to our Edinburgh home soon. Ann decided to make Edinburgh her 'permanent' home three years ago because she had a much better social life there.

St Ives is lovely................. but let's face it.................. there's a limit to how long anyone can sit looking at a fantastic view?????

…..............And then COVID hit and we were all locked down!!!  And life, as my human knew it, changed forever......................

Much as Ann loves me, she still needs human interaction. Life for my human still hasn't gone 'back to normal' in Edinburgh. And she doesn't know whether it ever will?!!!

Whereas, here in St Ives, she plans her days so that she sees at least one human a day. Ie, in the last 5 days she has met.............
Mon – Jacqui for coffee
Tues – Terri & Sue for walk around town and lunch
Wed – Charlotte & Margaret for lunch
Thurs –'Girlies' for dinner in our house
Fri – Afternoon club @ the 'Pool Club'
Oh and she's been to the hairdressers, done a Boogie Bounce Class OK only one because she's a fat lazy slob!!! and when we walk around town first thing in the morning, we always meet people to talk to and I always meet other little doggies to play with.

St Ives versus Edinburgh???? Where would you want to live???

…........And today's BLIP is another collage because my human loved all of these photos and couldn't decide which one to use??!!


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