Sunday: Yellow and Green

Today has been a bit of a slow day.  We were late up, mainly because our friend, Diana, with whom we were out last night, was in a bit of a party mood and at 0130 we had to insist that, for us at least, the night was over.  She would happily have gone one elsewhere........

Our friend, Hoyt, is coming round for Sunday dinner in a little while.  He is from San Francisco and, as we consider it our duty to introduce all our international friends to the delights of a Sunday dinner, he is coming round to be converted.  Roast potatoes, stuffing, Yorkshires etc all ready to go into the oven.  

I did have to pop out to the shop earlier to get a few things - it was the first day that felt like spring.  This little house is about halfway between our place and our local shop.


I have finished 'Red Dust' by Ma Jian - absolutely loved it!  It is probably in my top five China books (the first two being 'Red China Blues' by Jan Wong and 'River Town' by Peter Hessler).  It is also a great travel book and really makes you want to hit the road.  My next read will be 'Flashman and the Redskins', the sixth in the Flashman series.  It was Goatee who introduced me to these and who is my lending library, so we will have to do a swap when I next see him.

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