Buddy Yamaha

By richie_rollover

Crazy days

I've been doing a bit of reminiscing this week. It started off because I stumbled across this mix on the Optimo website. I'm not sure how I didn't spot it sooner but it's a mix that Twitch from Optimo made up after the last ever Pure night. From the age of about 17 until Maddy was born Pure on a Friday night was a way of life for me. So much so that I opened a record shop with a friend because I couldn't buy the right sort of music anywhere in Edinburgh (I was getting records mail order from a shop in York).

I know there are at least a couple of other blippers who went to Pure so I thought I'd share this. I have to say that I'm glad those days are behind me now. I'm in my thirties and just couldn't party like that these days, however Pure certainly had a large part in shaping who I am today particularly my attitudes and friends. In fact Roz and I met at Pure too. The whole thing was controlled insanity on a Friday night and while I wouldn't keep up with the pace if they revived it I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

Anyway, if you like underground dance music download the mix and give it a try. If you're a train spotter like me you can find a track listing on the entry for the 21st of June 2006 on this page. There's also some serious reminiscing by Twitch about Pure on both the entry for 21/06/06 and the one for 16/05/05. If you like that sort of thing enjoy!

I wanted to post a photo of my old Pure membership for this blip but I couldn't find it so I had to dig out an old t shirt instead. Maybe I'll blip my Pure card at some point if I can find it so you can see what I looked like as an emaciated 21 year old.

Oh and also, I mailed Twitch to say cheers for putting the mix up and he confirmed that he and his fellow DJ from Optimo are definitely playing the connect Festival, great news as far as I'm concerned.

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