
By NancyDrew

The circus has arrived

More work today with 3 whole days left until the weekend! :( booo x

Arrived home to a lovely roast dinner though cooked by Man x it was lovely x Every house should have a man indoors ;) x I am spoiled x

The Boy ventured outside of his usual borders today, him and his mates went 'down the town' to the local fun fair x gulp x after a five minute briefing off they all went x

I can breathe again now though as after 3 hours having fun at the fair he's home, having NOT been robbed/beaten up/kidnapped/run over/injured/lost blah, blah, blah x

The Boy got man of the match today at Rugby and the team won as well, so all in all a good day for him x

The Boy and I have never been to a circus before, he has suggested we go later this week.... I am not convinced x

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