Feeling better

By Suziep71

Nearly didn't blip.

My story today is sad so please be aware of that if you continue to read.

After the day being a tad crap, well a lot crap I really haven't got the heart to blip.

But because my best friend came round and gave me the frog on the blip and a pandora frog charm I decided to show what she had bought me.
Ness knows how much my mum loved frogs and sunflowers.

The crap things that have happened, well one is insignificant to the other.

I burst my tyre which was fixed quickly.

The awful thing that happened was the beautiful collie (Mollie) from across the road was knocked down by a fire engine. I shot out the door and ran down the drive to see if I could do anything.
I stuck my hand in her neck to try and stop the bleeding. Unfortunately it was no good.
I went to the vets with the family who I only met today just incase.

It was so sad my hubby and I were both crying. I didn't realise that I was covered in so much blood till I got home.

Good thing that happened today -

I can't put anything after the tragedy of Mollie R.I.P

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