M. Craft

By MCraft

One On The Wheel On On The Trigger


Looks like i'll be moving my time spent w/ Blip to the late show. At my work we have this nonsense called Websense. Before all the typical stuff was filterd; games, nudity, sex, personal storage sites, which I thouaght at first Blip would fall under but in did not. Then last week they updated the nonsense and now "Message boards and Clubs" is filterd, that includes Blip! Now I can't even read photo forums online when part of my job is to keep up w/ technology and industry trends. So it looks like I'm stuck uploading my photos after I get off work and drive home. Oh well, enough w/ the whining, I got to stay home for a couple of hours today b/c Bree had to go to the dentist leaving me to watch Ava, so off to work, were I will be reading allot of news.

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