A day in the life

By Shelling


...or, cheat, really. During my five years here on the island I've never experienced a January like this one. Usually January is our winter month, with chance for snowfall and cold, clear days. During the last three weeks we've had a lot of hard winds, this evening with storm force and warnings that it might be dangerous to go out because of falling branches and pieces of roof flying about. I had no urge to go out anyway because it has also rained most of the day, besides, I had plenty to do indoors and it has been nice to spend all day today in my own home.
When this is written, I am a little bit worried because I live in a grove with really old trees, some of them has huge, dead branches, right outside my bedroom. Hopefully they are still sitting on the trees tomorrow, this storm is going on most of the night.
That's why my blip is called a dream. This is what I want it to be like, two degrees below zero, sunny, windy but a normal island wind, clear blue skies. It's a picture from yesterdays walk, no blip was taken today, it was forgotten during  the indoor doodling.

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