Saturday: Ovaltine Cafe

Today has been a really good mix.  We went for breakfast at the Ovaltine Café on East Hastings, but remembered to go by the insurance broker beforehand to deregister our car.   So that’s another job done.  

The Ovaltine is completely unchanged since the 1940s - it’s very often used in films and TV programmes.  I’ve posted an example of the interior in the extras.  

Back home via the recycling centre.  We then caught up on a few jobs that needed doing and did some sorting.

P&K invited us over for dinner this evening.  When we arrived, Christmas music was in full blast.  They had only gone and cooked a full Christmas dinner, complete with turkey, stuffing, the works as they felt bad that we completely missed out on it this year.  It was excellent and we’re now in the obligatory food coma.  

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