
By sleepyduck

Tantallon Castle

Occasionally people comment that they recognise my photographs from the thumbnails. Which I take as a compliment :-) But I don't think many would recognise this as one of mine. Though, having said that, I have no doubt that some of you will say you did just out of mischief :-)

It was a lovely sunny day today. Still is, as I write this. So Mrs S and I took a wee trip down to East Lothian. Tantallon Castle is one of my favourite spots down that way. It's a splendid old ruin with a great view of the Bass Rock. A bit windy today, mind... But I think it's always windy there. I took lots of touristy, chocolate-box-y shots and had trouble choosing one - but I think this is my favourite. Rejects are listed below...

Holiday Monday tomorrow! Hooray!

Bass Rock 1

Bass Rock 2

Tantallon again

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