
By KathyH58

Jan 30

After the flash freeze last night, I had to get help to get my car out of the driveway this morning. The landlord put some gravel in a low spot last fall, it's right where the front passenger tire sits when the car is parked. It froze in place, I couldn't even get the car to move forward a foot. The landlord tried to blame it on the bit of snow that was left around the car when my boarder shovelled last night. The car has went over those lips before without any problem. The landlord came out and broke up some of the ice because he had let a neighbor borrow my ice chipper without asking me. Then he gave me a push to get me out. I am starting to think the landlord is a narcissist, because nothing is ever his fault.
After I got home this afternoon I decided to try a few macro shots using the close up filters that I have.

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