Jan 30

A sunny, spring day, even though it is the end of January. And on Saturday there will be about a 25 degree difference in the temperature. The polar vortex is supposed to hit here but the forecast has it lasting only one day.
I had planned to go to Victoria Park in Truro between Christmas and New Years, but it was still closed due to damage from Hurricane Fiona. It finally reopened earlier in January, so I decided today would be a good day for a visit. Normally at this time of year you need ice cleats for a walk to the waterfalls. This year you could do it without the cleats. There was a couple of short sections with some ice, but nothing serious.
About 5 cm of snow in the forecast for tomorrow.
There are going to be some changes happening at MCA, some bad news today. The rep who covers the Halifax stores passed away last night, very sudden and unexpected. The Sackville rep is going to take the lead on her relines that are scheduled for the next few weeks. Beyond that, someone will have to be hired.

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