Old Tulip on a Rainy Afternoon

My daughter in law dropped off my 4  year old grandson this morning and he joined my granddaughter and me in our various adventures. I must say that we've spent more time with Tookie's amazing dinosaur eggs than anything else this weekend! I've uploaded a few shots if you want to see what I've been referring too. Thank you Tookie, for hours of fun!

After they left in the early afternoon, I was eyeing the dark gray sky, knowing that the forecasted rain would start soon. Bored with the garden, my eyes were drawn to the gorgeous tulips that I posted on 1/21. They've certainly had a good run of it, and are just now dropping their petals and curling up at the edge (there's one in the extras too - I think I should have switched them!). The light was pretty dim, but I am fond of tulips as they succumb. 

It's a dark, gray, wet night - the first in quite some time. So there's a pot of chili on the stove and I'm about to head downstairs to start a new jigsaw puzzle!

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