Mono Monday

I wasn’t sure what challenge ApolloFly had set this week so I’m trying to work out how I can put this into the theme of Time Capsule. We had our first outing since November and met Carol and Graham at Oberon and then we went to Mayfield Gardens. All gardens are a time capsule from when they were established and these will last many many years. The gardens are about 30 years+  old I guess and they are always adding to them. The garden is 160 acres and opened for special weekends during the different seasons. For the rest of the year a smaller portion, 6 acres,  cafe and nursery are open. It’s the largest private cool climate garden in Australia and possibly the world - well worth a visit or Google. These steps lead to the toilet block. I didn’t feel inclined to try to walk up and stayed to the level paths. I managed to walk around for awhile but was very happy to leave and go home for a sleep. It was a good trial for my recovery. There are different acreages listed on the internet so I took a punt - whatever they are exactly is huge by any scale. We did part of the smaller section open all year and of course stopped at the cafe. I had an English Breakfast tea as I’m back on a low carb diet. No yummy food was partaken. 

We had Leo with us as school returned for the teachers and some students ( called a pupil free day which is difficult for working parents). Maddy and Olivia both started high school. Wow they are growing up.

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