The Big Garden Birdwatch 2022

The eagle eyed will quickly notice that there are no birds in this picture.  My one hour of observation however, was not as bad as this image suggests.  it is true that in the past I have watched for an hour and no  birds have entered our garden during that one hour.  Today was much better but I did not have my camera with me and my phone is not up to taking decent shots of birds at that distance, so this lonely bird feeder was shot later from the dining room.
For the record, my sightings this year were 2 crows, 1 wood pigeon, 1 blackbird, 1 starling (actually a rare visitor for us), 2 robins, 1 magpie 1 great tit, 2 blue tits.  The jays, great spotted woodpecker and parakeets decided to stay away.
This evening the younger set went to the Comedy Store, a birthday present for The Son and we had the pleasure of looking after both flower fairies who feature in Extras.  Stella-Rose settled a little quicker than last time and once asleep stayed asleep.  Violet went to bed half an hour later than she should have as we forgot that it was Sunday night, not Saturday.  I'm sure she;'ll cope with getting up tomorrow though

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