An ODD alphabet?

I've always, previously, got the impression that our winter Storms were names alphabetically.

 Eventually I found an understandable site:- 
"Here is the list for 2021/22, and how the names are chosen.

What are the storm names this year?
 and learnt:-
Arwen - Barra - Malik - Corrie - Dudley - Eunice - Franklin- etc.
MALIK?!? Where did S/HE come from? 
Apparently named by "DMI" - SO - I looked for them, only to be informed that:-
"DMI og tredjeparter bruger cookies til at gøre mere brugbar og give dig en bedre oplevelse samt til statistik."
"DMI and third parties use cookies to make more useful and give you a better experience as well as statistics."

Anyway whether it was Marauding Malik or Criminal Corrie he/she/it managed  to spin the wheelie-bin 180˚, shove it a metre or two South, and tilt it at an inebriated angle; despite it being nestled twixt next door's Garage and The Wagon, and sheltered by The Shed.

That said I reckon I must be in both, a Rain Shadow, and a Storm Shadow, both nights were a touch draughty but didn't seem all that Storm-like.

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