
By Livingandloving


Let's just say that I didn't wake up well rested. Surprisingly, I stayed awake all day at my conference. I yawned A LOT.....I mean A LOT, but I never dozed. Yeah ME!

I really only wanted to go back to the condo and have a quiet night. Before I settled in, I went outside to nab some shots of some flowers around the grounds. This shot jumps out to me. I love the rich color.

Just as I was finishing up, one of my co-worker/friends basically told me to get in the car we were running to town real quick to grab a few things. I sooooo didn't want to, but went ahead and complied. Soooooooooooo glad I did. We literally had a blast. There was shopping......or in my case, "watching of shopping", and wander around.....and a super yummy dinner. We were feeling rummy from little sleep, and we got goofy. I haven't giggled that much in a long long time. Oh and the night ended with some serious belly laughs.......and a lights our before 11pm. Perfect.

PS You can read while I was soooooooooooo tired HERE.

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