Time Capsule...Pictures!

I thought for quite awhile about what I would put in a time capsule. A number of things came to mind...my Nespresso machine...the remote control for our fireplace or the television, my sewing machine...but then I realized that with a camera one can take pictures of all those things. I've gotten together some of the ways pictures can be taken and looked at...my pre-Blipfoto handwritten diary, the local newspaper's latest edition of The year in Pictures, and one of my own precious copies of the Blipfoto 365 Book. I should have included a photograph which can be put in a frame and displayed on a wall or shelf. I have pictures of my grandmother when she was attending the University of California when the Berkeley campus consisted of two buildings, and the hills weren't covered with eucalyptus trees. I have a picture of my mother when she was twenty and a picture of my father when he was a naval officer during WWII. And of course I have pictures of children and grandchildren everywhere. I can't think of anything with more power to show how things used to be.

I slept well last night and had lots of energy this morning. My back is improving, although my intestinal issues have shown no change. We did our Pilates on the floor in the office and then took ourselves off to the Trail House with Spike. He has never shown much interest in our food or even in dog treats, but he must have gotten a taste of the blueberry muffins there because his attention was riveted on mine. When he started barking we had to put him in the car....

Thanks to ApolloFly for the interesting themes for Mono Monday this month.

I was actually thinking of doing a little clothes shopping this morning as I have worn nothing but jeans or sweatpants and tee shirts and hoodies for two years and am not sure I even remember how to dress in any other way anymore. However, I got sidetracked onto continuing with the editing of things on the kitchen counter. 

I was reminded why we never used the spices in the seven cunningly designed little stainless steel containers with magnets on the bottom when I was unable to get them open to dump out the ancient spices and wash them. They had some kind of gasket or seal on them, no doubt designed to preserve freshness but they had become so tight that I had to pry them open with a screwdriver. With the gaskets removed, they will not be returned to the back of the stove but be repurposed elsewhere....

Now I'm starting to eye the bookshelf in our bedroom with a rather weird arrangement of totally unrelated items on top. I'll probably keep the glass birds but ditch the big out of scale yellow vase which is there only because it has no other place to live....Come to think of it, aside from a collection of paperback books, mostly mysteries, there's not much there worth keeping. Possibly a job for when I need another excuse for not going shopping for clothes....or shoes. 

And I used to like shopping for clothes....

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