
By fennerpearson


My daughter, Milly, returned from a school trip to India, today, so we all went over to meet her off the coach. God, it was great to see her. These days, we just aren't used to being completely out of touch with our loved ones and I've missed her dreadfully.

While we were waiting, mooching around on the grassy area where everyone was parked up, I noticed these little flowers pushing their way through, which seemed a nice representation of the change in the weather. However, it was wholly impractical with so many people milling about, getting in the way of the light and also occasionally treading on the flowers.

So, after Milly had gone home with her mum and once I'd walked back to the house and picked up my bike, I cycled 'round to school to take my photo. A couple of the teachers were still there, so I had a quick chat with them and then their lift arrived. I said goodbye and they went over to the car to pack their bags.

Which left me in a quandary: should I stand there until they were gone or cycle over and take my photo? Both seemed a bit odd. Leaving and coming back seemed an option except what if they had to pop back? That would be really odd.

So, in the end, I cycled over to the parking area, got off my bike and crouched down to take some photos. I don't know what the teachers will have made of it. Funnily enough, earlier in the day I'd been thinking that the older you get and the more you carry on being yourself and simply doing the things you want to do, the more eccentric you can look. I don't really want to be that guy who comes into school to take photos of the car park but I definitely don't want to stop doing this!

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