
By dunkyc

Rocket League

M’boy and I have developed a rather lovely tradition of Monday night Rocket League.

It was introduced to us by my brother in law and has since become a firm favourite in our household. It is basically a video game which consists of a bonkers four-a-side football match where all the football players are cars. We play online (via the Nintendo Switch) with people from all over the world and it is great fun. I was trying to capture that with today’s shot, but it is not my best.

We get an hour to play it on Manic Monday when The Youngest is at Beavers and then when m’boy gets dropped off for Cubs, The Youngest gets her turn on the Switch and plays a few games. It is fun playing the game together, but it also cute to see The Youngest with her headphones on trying to work out who the impostor is on Among Us.

It is also gives me a great way of switching off and trying to stay awake, particularly after a frantic day when I’ve been walking our belongings backwards and forwards between my home and our temporary abode for the next few weeks. 

We’re now bedded into my parent’s holiday home and it is very warm and cosy - mainly because I couldn’t figure out how to turn the heating off.

Hoping to get some rest at the weekend. After more moving about and wallpaper stripping!

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