GROUND HOG DAY 2022: Where is Phil?

Here in sunny Southern California folks shrug as the idea that Winter 
might be shorter.  When Bougainvillea & Roses bloom in January,
we are not suffering, or worrying if our car will start.  

In the Midwest of the US, where winters are long & brutal, we
took notice if Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow on Feb. 2nd.
As the story goes, if he comes out today & sees his shadow,
there will be 6-8 weeks more of Winter.  If he doesn't see his shadow,
then we would have a much shorter Winter.  According to my research,
he is correct 50% of the time.  In other words, "a furry coin toss."
Of course, we were always hopeful & easily amused. This year, I am sorry to report:  Phil did see his shadow...

If there was a GROUND HOG (AKA Woodchuck)  anywhere in the vicinity, Rocky the Beagle would find it.  Angus' best buddy can track down any critter around. On our walks he is always on the lookout for anything wild, even if the scent crosses the street.  My walking partner is obliged to just follow his lead.  I'm not sure if GROUND HOGS even live in California, but we did not see one today.  Shadow or no shadow, our Winters are
always very short.

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