
By dfb24

Amish baked...

...pecan pie, delivered today from "Our Wisconsin" magazine for "having shared a slice of my life" by entering my photo and having it published. I saw a man pull up in front of our house and come out of the car with the pie, so I figured it was the delivery service. But no....the man has the exact same house number as I do, but on a different street.  Somehow the pie was delivered to his home by mistake, and he very nicely drove it over to my house. Such a kind man!  I had Mae with me again today, and it was much more difficult to keep her on track with her classes on the computer. She really didn't want to be doing her work, so kept turning her microphone off to ask me goofy questions, ask for something to eat, how much longer school would last, etc.  It could very well have been because she knew it would have been Grandpa's birthday today---she asked me if we were having birthday cake. I said we'd have a slice of pie in his honor. Then she asked, if she made a birthday card for him & mailed it, would he get it?  I said it might be better if we just sang Happy Birthday to him, as he'd hear it in Heaven, so that's what we did. I'm glad she's here with me. :)

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