Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

I awoke to this treat.

Put some laundry on and called the utilities people to sort out my gas and electric meter readings.
Hung up laundry, put some more on, washed some dishes and set up Direct Debits on the newly-created gas and electricity accounts.
Made coffee, drank coffee and hung up the second load of laundry.
Went out to collect prescription, posted birthday card to bestie, dropped some other mail off in the letter box of the letting agent, bought some glasses in a charity shop because I own too few and was then called by my mum who was outside my flat ringing my doorbell which I wasn't answering because I was out and about.
Scuttled home and spent a cosy hour-or-so with mum in my flat before the doorbell was rung again by two siblings and a niece. (Meanwhile washed up new charity-shop tumblers)
Used my new charity-shop tumblers to share out the rather wonderful bubbly I had retrieved from the local wine merchant a fortnight ago courtesy of the generous mrshb70 and then we all took a scenic walk along Queen St, right into Friday St and left along the river to Villa Marina where our kind mum had booked a table for lunch.
And on leaving the restaurant we were surprised by a banquet-sized lemon-drizzle cake left at the bar for us by another family member.
Back at the flat and caked shared and thank-you note written before siblings and niece left and then I walked mum back round the corner to the station.
Lay down on the couch for a bit contemplating my own time-management skills, concluded that there is nothing wrong with them and settled down for the evening setting up new filing systems for everything to do with new home and new job, both in electronic and paper formats, all colour co-ordinated.
No, I don't think I shall be cow-towing to automated reminders for the next 50 weeks.
Lovely day and a delight to show my family around my pretty new home town.

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