Is it a Bird, a Plane or a Letterbox?

Rainy and chilly most of the day, high of 49 deg F with expected low of 32 deg F. Hubby got up early to pick up my mother for a blood draw. She was fasting so he went to Panera and bought her coffee and a bear claw (her fav pastry) for breakfast. He checked her arm to make sure the bruising did not look like a clot. She was able to get up the steps with no problem - alleluia! I cleaned up my iPad so I could use it to look at larger blip pictures while he was gone. Our DIL made a frittata for Jamie and hubby; he really enjoyed it. After lunch, hubby had an audiology appointment at the VA clinic in our county. They adjusted his hearing aids and he said it made an improvement for sure. It has been a nasty, wet and cold day so I had no desire to walk around the neighborhood looking for a blip. I tagged along with hubby so we could search for the perfect letter box for Mono Monday. I had a particular area in mind but we took a detour and, voila, there it was. Thanks to jensphotos for hosting this week. We had a great time meandering through neighborhoods noticing things we’d have previously overlooked. But it was good to get home, warm up with a cup of tea and orange scone hubby bought me from Panera. Wishing you a similar fun day. Only 50 new COVID cases; could we be getting toward the end of this nightmare? “Sometimes the most scenic roads in life are the detours you didn’t mean to make.”  - Angela N Blount 

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