Grey Heron

The young one was watching for me from the top of the dovecote and flew down as soon as I arrived. I had not even started to feed her when I saw a man with a small dog approaching. The dog was running all over the place chasing all the geese and crows that were grazing on the hill. I have no problem the vast majority of the dog walkers who use the park and respect the wildlife. However if you have an out of control dog chasing and distressing the wildlife you either use a leash or go elsewhere to walk it. Needless to say the dog spotted the young one and ran after her barking. The young one instantly took off chased be the dog and watched by the owner, who made a sheepish apologetic gesture to me as I glowered at him. I reckoned it was going to be game over for the morning but I saw the young one circle and land on the drainage access point at the foot of the loch. As I made my way over she jumped down and into the water. I was able to feed her from there and she got her food with no further disturbance. 

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