a new year!

By Thesalh70

its a marathon not a sprint!

monday monday, comes around all too soon, and the beginning of a 5 day week!

up at 6am and much cooler than yesterday. a brisk walk over a few fields with Pete, the sun a dim glow behind thick cloud. back and just a healthy smoothie for breakfast this morning, strawberries, blueberries, kiwi, orange and pomegranate....delish!

traffic good into Nottingham, we'd better make the most of that. a busy morning, and soon lunch. just back at my desk, and news of Mrs Thatchers passing is reported.

busy afternoon, and then home in good time. started the marathon training tonight, and with some weight to shift, i set my target at completing 1 mile without stopping. did it! even with Beagle Pete on the lead! our run ended at Colliers Wood, and we had a walk round there before heading home for tea.

Mrs Thatchers death dominating the TV tonight. At the height of her reign, i was probably too young to understand all that was going on. looking back, she was an iconic figure, and i doubt we'll ever see anyone like her again. someone at work said even if you didn't like her, at least you knew where you stood with her....unlike politics these days.

broadchurch on tv, still gripping and even more so tonight.

Brum in the morning, lunch already made, and another healthy smoothie done too. early start so off to land of nod!

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