twinned with trumpton


Everyone was out by 0830, masel included. The boys to be educated, and me to dog sit and erm... be educated! 

My substantive post is still on hold and I've proved so willfully incompetent with the finer points of business grants that I've been volunteered to do the putting on of new buildings to our system. I was instructed in this noble art by a colleague and work starts tomorrow. For two days, then back to crap, but not business grants. Seems there's a weekly cycle so I get drafted back in again next Tuesday / Wednesday unless I prove even more willfully incompetent (I won't, this is a way better gig)

In between times, I minded the dug whilst She went out to number 3 in a series of 10 group meetings designed to assist parents with 'problem children'.

The dug's owner didn't stray from her bed whilst her mother was out, so I got the dubious honour of letting Loki out to answer the call of nature.

After work, more walkies and a dander to the supermarket, and a fine dinner of salmon in a Hairy Bikers / Route 66 style with pistachio rice. 

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