twinned with trumpton


After a low key start, I was despatched to see about the suitability of the sea for paddle boarding. I relayed the information that there were boards a-plenty in the bay..... 

I cycled off, hands numb whilst trying to shoot a surfer in the freezing breeze. After availing myself of Lidl's offers I finally caught her up about 150 yards from the house. She'd already seen the surf for herself so decided on breakfast instead.

The low key theme continued; and eventually we shaped up to walk back up to Her's bumping into Tom in the 'hood as he headed off to meet his chums for some notional football kick aboot at school. 

Chipotle chicken and I took my leave to be at home to receive the lads early for H/T.

Further surf action can be seen courtesy of Pensioner

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