Sine Cera

Strava Day 254/ #75Hard Off Phase Day 11. Drinking more than a gallon daily these days because Summer is near and that means it is more humid in our part of the world. Did indoor yoga, will finish the requisite miles/step count after this. It is 1:20 PM here and we (B, T and I) just had a good lunch: Gramps cooked Kare-Kare, B surprised me with preparing my usual B.A.S. (Big Ass Salad), frying the tofu I bought yesterday and blanching the Pako (tree fern). Did not intend to get my phone from another room as I intentionally left it to practice mindful eating however, his effort was appreciated so I ran, got my phone, took a snapshot, sat down and enjoyed.
Featuring this photo of myself shot by B because it has several layers of stories and meaning:

(1) Truly enjoyed my food. Initially, I set aside the entire block of unsliced tofu but then as am still hungry, decided to still eat it even if it has not been sliced yet using the wooden chopsticks. B said am not using them correctly and then I said: Who cares? We're in the Philippines, here, when you are hungry you just eat and not really mind cultural considerations. If we are in Japan, or another country, then, to show respect, we study their customs, do our best to follow their rules and understand their language. T then said that our disagreement is making him uncomfortable. Told him, it is quite normal, even healthy for couples to argue/disagree from time to time and that it is also better to express in a calm way, our discomforts whenever we feel them versus keeping it inside your chest for a long time and then suddenly erupting like a dormant volcano.

(2) Wearing a pink shirt which says "No Bra Club" but I have gotten into the habit of taking a bath and wearing a bra daily even if it is not comfortable.

(3) Today is Pink Wednesdays, it signifies support for Leni Robredo.

Funny exchange/conversation Mama and I shared that T heard:
A: Can we stop/let go of the pursuit of perfection? It's a disease.
Mama: (Just nodded and smiled)
From Meditations of Parents Who Do Too Much:
You grow up the first time you laugh --- at yourself. -Ethel Barrymore

Title I chose (Sine Cera) is Latin for "Without Wax." Quite a long story but Google is always a friend.
Gratitude and light.

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