FebIbig with T

Strava Day 255/ 75Hard Off Phase Day 12.

Three liters, mindfulness activity, brisk+incline walk done. This is an unfiltered/unedited self-timed mobile photo with T after breakfast. Had a planned image, a crappy 5:55 image and a decent sunrise shot but as it is the "Love Month" and this is a journal anyway, thought it's best to remember the happy part of the day. Life is tough and work is difficult but as they say, if you love what you do then it is not really work.
Remembering what T made me watch the other day during lunch, a 6 minute YouTube episode by Psych2Go talking about What Your Favourite Food says about you. Told him I enjoyed listening to that particular clip as I agree with it (According to the narrator, people who like spicy foods tend to be adrenaline junkies and it is true about myself). Asked him if he also agrees with what was said about his food preference, he smiled and said: Yes!
Before this becomes another too long entry, I'll now have to go and finish other tasks. Here's to you finding time to pause, breathe and appreciate just how fortunate you are with whatever you have already/still: Life. Gratitude and light.

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