Day 1

It appears that dancing and singing in a crowded pub last Saturday has consequences i.e. I've got covid. It had to happen sometime, and as long as I don't get any worse it'll be alright.

I woke up on Tuesday morning and didn't feel right, I'd got a sore throat and a tickly cough, so I texted Julie to say I wasn't going in to the charity shop. I thought I'd better do a lateral flow, which revealed an extremely faint second line, and an hour later I did another just to check and it was still there. So I drove to a testing centre to get a PCR test, and then the rest of yesterday was spent on the settee under a blanket.

Today I woke early and ping! my result came through - positive!

I haven't felt any worse today, just generally under the weather, so hopefully this is as bad as it will get. So I'm in isolation solitary confinement until Friday 18th, unless I get two consecutive negative lateral flows.

I thought I felt like doing a jigsaw, until I began to get the edge pieces out, but I don't!

Edit: I've turned comments back on, but don't feel obliged!

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