Day 2

I'm feeling a bit better today and thought I'd try yoga with Adriene on YouTube, but I didn't last more than ten minutes and swapped it for a video about climbing the Indian Face instead. Let's not rush my recovery, but at least I feel like trying today!

It's lovely and sunny so I sat outside for a while with my mid morning cuppa, and then a friend phoned. Anyone to talk to is most welcome at the moment, it's worse than first lockdown, because I can't go for a walk... even if I felt like it. We chatted for quite a while, mainly about her nightmare house move which is not progressing, and have arranged a walk for a fortnight's time.

I made a cake later, which tasted nice, but this evening's dinner didn't taste right again! This evening I've had aching limbs for a couple of hours, let's see what tomorrow brings!

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