
By XSworld

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For some reasons I feel the urge to see how the colony of groundbugs that I have blipped twice before is doing. I guess it's like when you've started watching a series, have got to know the characters just a little and just have to continue watching to know what happens to them. So I went back once again. I found the tree, but to my surprise the bugs were all gone (see the left panel in the extra) leaving only black wood as a sign of their overwintering. Upon closer inspection I found one motionless bug hidden in the uppermost part of the hide where they had all been sleeping. Where had all the others gone, how were they doing, did they survive the cold nights? When I took a step back to photograph I noticed two bugs wandering leisurely on each side of the hide and then I saw the crevice in the treebark, just above the firat hide, where I found the rest of the bugs. They were all sleeping safely in their new hide. So they had all (but 1 who we can call B-bug) been lured out of diapause/hibernation but hadn't gone very far (see arrow on right panel in extra). I was happy to see them all safe!

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