
By Marionb

Lights, Camera....

... Action?  

No, just rain..wind, and more rain. 

It was the most dreary of days..the kind of day you just can't be bothered to go out. I spent most of the day working on my 2021 photo yearbook, and catching up with friends and family, and by sundown, I realized I had nothing to post for the day! The horror! 

Against my better judgement, I decided to go down to the harbour lest something miraculous were to happen and the rain would stop and the sun would burst forth from behind the cloud cover and take a few moments to dazzle us all as it slipped below the horizon in a blaze of colour..Yeah, right....happens all the the time...

I parked facing the promenade and waited and waited and the wind howled and the rain beat against the windshield and eventually the darkness began to fall.. No miracle, no sunset, nada.. nothing to post..

Until...I started the car to go home and - there before my eyes..the stage was lit! My headlights had brought some life into that cold and lonely deep dark night lurking behind that veil of rain...An emergency blip was being offered! I took it. And was grateful.

Whew! Another day, another blip.  


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