a lifetime burning

By Sheol

You again!

I reckon that this is probably the same grey heron that I blipped on Thursday.  I surprised it while walking along the river, where it was waiting patiently at the opposite bank in the hope of catching something fishy for breakfast.  Once it saw me, it decided it would rather find an alternative spot and flew off, honking (or whatever the call of a heron is best described as) to its mate in the nearby reed beds.  

It wasn't a glorious start like yesterday, but there were some occasional glimpses of sunlight and the heron flew into one as I was photographing it, which makes for a much better shot than it would otherwise have been.

Generally, when I walk along this stretch of river I spot a heron somewhere along it.  I know that in some places herons are quite used to humans and won't necessarily take flight when they see one, but not these herons, which is probably for the best, as many walkers on the local stretch of the river have dogs with them.  

The one thing we are not short of is herons and cormorants.  Lets try that again, the two things we are not short of are herons and cormorants....  So I guess despite the concerns about raw sewage releases etc, there must be plenty of fish in the water, even if I personally would not want to swim in it, not that it would ever be warm enough for me to want to swim in it.

Thank you for your kind hearts and stars for yesterdays shots, I was interested that the landscape pre-dawn shot was easily the more popular of the two images, as I almost didn't include it!

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