Further my skills

By H0tamer

Menhir complex "Hirtenwiese"

Early in the morning today M. and I made another hike, nearly 16km, close to Darmstadt. It was still freezing cold, but during the hike the temperature rose to 5°C. A lovely sunny day!
M. had never seen the Menhir Complex "Hirtenwiese", so I planned the tour extra to pass that spot. This English site gives some more/other information about this stone circle. It is located besides the rivulet "Ruthsenbach" and the "Scheftheimer Wiese".
The neolithic stone circle (so between 4000 and 6500 years old) consisted in 1966 of 14 standing stones, of which still 7 exist.

By the way: the Ruthsenbach was not lacking any water. Rather the contrary: one manhole cover of some underground pipe was leaking a lot of water, like a bigger source. No idea whether that was a part of the Ruthsenbach or some other canalised river.

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