Honky Chateau

Given that most of today has been spent either at a funeral or grinding slowly up the M6 on the way back to Kendal, I trust you will forgive me for a blip relating to our visit to the theatre last night.
Those familiar with the C4 programme “Escape to the Chateau” will no doubt recognise Dick and Angel Strawbridge. I’d noticed they were doing a tour of the U.K. and was interested to see what they had to say in person, rather than the edited version we see in the programmes.
An absolutely fascinating evening, filling in all the details of how they met, married and moved to France. It was nice to see the whole family on the stage at the start of the show, and “doing everything for the family” was the overriding theme of the evening.
Because we’d travelled thirty miles into Wales to see the show, we were subject to a different set of regulations. After the recent freedoms in England, it was a bit of a shock to have to show covid passes and wear masks throughout the show. How quickly we forget!
The other theme of the evening was the importance of seizing opportunities when you have the chance - if you have a dream, pursue it rather than regret not doing it at some point in the future. Which was also a topic of conversation at todays funeral, given the relative youth of the chap whose life we were celebrating. Those of us of a similar age were united in our desire to cram as much as possible into the time we have left!

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