Bang Bang

Just before we went to Chester last Wednesday I was grilling some bacon when there was a loud bang, a bright flash and a sudden silence from the cooker. The grill element had exploded in some style (you can see the damage if you zoom in to the element on the left of the photo) so I ordered a replacement to arrive whilst we were away. I’m pleased to report that the bacon was just about done when the element expired so we still enjoyed our bacon buns!
Set to replacing it this afternoon, but it was not the simple ten minute job I had anticipated. I had to remove the whole of the built in oven in order to gain access to the nuts that held the element in place. And even when I did get to them, they proved absolute little buggers to undo! Fortunately, reassembly with the new element was a much quicker process and everything was soon back in place. We even took advantage of the oven being out of its housing to clean some of the more difficult to reach bits!
After switching the power back on, it was time to see if it all worked. I’m pleased to say that everything heated up as it should so I’m off out now to buy more bacon!

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