Nights in White Satin

Or - to be more accurate - Tights in White Nylon. I had been wearing long black socks with my costume for Blackadder, but it was deemed that, as I was playing a nobleman, I would be wearing fine silk hosiery. The costume budget wouldn’t run to that, so cheap nylon tights it is.
All this week’s rehearsals have been in costume, so that we can get used to wearing it and flag up any issues or if there is anything missing. I think I’m pretty well sorted now and just need to decide how to ring the changes between various scenes/episodes so that I don’t always look exactly the same.
We’re having a big photo shoot for promotional purposes on Saturday, so everybody needs a complete costume by then. Next week we can’t get in the theatre, so any rehearsals will be down in Heysham. As we’re all pretty good with the lines, I may actually get some time off as the plan is to concentrate just on specific scenes that need working on - none of which involve my character, as far as I can tell.
But then it’s back to the theatre to start running all the episodes each night, with as much lighting, sound and SFX we can manage. It doesn’t seem that long ago that I was auditioning for the part of Lord Melchett, and hadn’t even started the BATS Panto. Now that production is a dim and distant memory and Blackadder dress rehearsal is less than three weeks away. Gulp!

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