Social Media In The Workplace

Today Ann went on a course - 'Social Media in the Workplace'. She went out at 8.15am and didn't come home until 5pm so I spent the day with my dog sitters. I LOVE my dog sitters. Sometimes Ann thinks I love them more than I love her??!! But I don't really!

Lynda brought me home so obviously had to stay and have a glass bottle of wine with Ann.

Ann is feeling really pleased with herself. She didn't think she was very 'techie savy' but actually she knows a lot more than a lot of other people. One of her jobs at 'Star Linen Hire' is keeping the Facebook & Twitter pages up-to-date.

Obviously because she works for a 'linen hire' company, nobody really wants to see endless photos of sheets & duvet covers, so if you check out our FB and Twitter pages above, you'll see lots of lovely St Ives/Cornwall photos. If you could 'like' us that would be fab.

As for me................... I'm fast asleep on the rug now because I haven't had any sleep time today.?

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