
By Marionb

Now, THAT's a Collection.....

I like collections...I have collections...but this is the mother of all collections!   

The Mosur Collection of Indigenous Sculptures is the new exhibit at our local art gallery, The Station Gallery ( see March 6, 2021 if the least bit interested in the gallery!) I have been anxiously awaiting a new there has been a dearth of art gallery visits in my life these past two years! 

Being a private collection of a regional couple, I expected a few really interesting pieces at the exhibit, but was blown away to find two exhibit rooms full!  Two rooms of wonderful sculptures by Haida, Inuit and Anishinaabeg artists.... and apparently these works of art are only part of their private collection! 

Imagine having a house full of fabulous sculptures! Like where do they display them? Perched precariously on pedestals, snuggled in niches, sitting on coffee tables? Imagine dusting them! I jest, but really - Imagine! in your own art museum...I hope they don't have a cat..

Apparently the Mosurs have been collecting these sculptures since 1983. It started out innocently. They saw a small one they loved in an art gallery in Toronto and made their first purchase... a piece by a Six Nations artist who remains one of their favourite sculptors; it snowballed from there and in time, the pieces got bigger! Mr Mosur laughingly said in an interview that the Haida sun mask which is huge, hangs in their dining room..and he always makes sure that it shows behind him when participating in zoom calls! And as sculptures are meant to be viewed from all angles, he displays some on rotating of which is in the front entryway of their home, so he gets a different view every time he comes in the front door..How neat is that? I would love to drop into THAT house for tea! 

Aah, pas possible, so I will drop into the gallery for tea instead (in their new Patron's Lounge) and take a leisurely stroll through all those wonderful sculptures again, imagining having even one of them on display in my house! 

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